My Life in Words

WRITTEN BY: Brandy Mychals

Wikipedia defines worry as “… anxiety or unease; …to dwell on difficulty or troubles.” Worry is all about your “mental space” and fear about your ability to handle the unknown. And many would agree that most of us worry about things that never actually happen.

So who worries the most?

Everyone worries at some time or another but this is an easy answer when you think it through. If worry is all about your “head space” then which Character Codes spend the most time in their heads? Yes, you guessed correctly, the Class President and Scholar Character Codes are the most prone to worry.

These two value CERTAINTY above all else so they think many steps ahead. At times that is helpful and can allow them to strategize and anticipate what is coming…other times it just means “mind games.”

These are also the two Character Codes most likely to “get things done”, so maybe worry pays off?

Not likely, and here’s why…

In a typical day, most people spend their time focusing on what they do not do well and ignore what they excel in. Just another excuse to worry…LOL!

When I teach the Character Code System I talk about how there isn’t one “right” or “ideal” Character Code we should all aspire to.

The truth is that we need one another.

A Character Code that spends a lot of time in their “head” could benefit by spending some time with someone that’s in the moment and vice versa.

Opt-in for the ability to trust your skills, perhaps anticipate what is coming, receive support from other Character Codes around you and OPT-OUT of the worry!

Brandy Mychals is the creator of the Character Code™ System for Client Attraction without being “salesy.” She is the 2011 International FEMTOR Award Winner presented by eWomenNetwork for “Business Matchmaker of the Year.” She was also selected by a Fortune 500 company as one of the top ten bloggers in the U.S and Canada to serve on their Blogging Advisory Committee. Brandy is the author of the soon to be published book Savvy Speaker Secrets and is in discussion for a reality TV show based on her Character Code™ system. Brandy’s specialty is teaching entrepreneurs how to make the journey from obscurity to buzz in record time so your ideal clients can track you down. She is known for delivering high value content and has been featured on NBC Talk Radio and Yahoo! News.

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