My Life in Words

Posts tagged ‘mental-health’

The Invisible Truth: Living in the Now and Creating the Future You Choose

Have you ever felt lost, like your life has no sense of meaning, direction, or purpose?  I have certainly felt that way the past 2 years after losing my job.  I have struggled to figure out where I should go from here.

Whether we like it or not, a paycheck many times defines who we are and our self-worth. When you aren’t bringing home that check, it can make you feel depressed like a failure.  It can cause extra stress at home because of the loss of your salary. Also, your significant other may not understand why you can’t seem to shake the dark cloud hanging over your head and leave the past in the past.

To deal with such feelings, I have looked to programs to help inspire me to look past my present circumstances. Instead of focusing on the loss of my job, I now focus on all the opportunities I have in front of me.

One such program that has played a dramatic role in my new outlook on life is called “The Invisible Truth” One way to describe the 8 CD Audio set is the “Law of Attraction on Steroids.”

The program is broken down into 9 Laws and Principles…..

Everything in the world is made up of energy. You can manifest this energy into your favor by being aware and conscious of your thoughts and focusing on that which is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report (integrity, virtuous).

Every single word you speak carries power, every-single word. And that power is greatly under-estimated. Most people are so unaware of the power of their words that they inadvertently create unnecessary, negative, and destructive situations in their lives.

Work is energy in motion. The ability to harness directed, organized, and controlled energy is greatly increased with work.

In a place that is filled with thankfulness, you will not have room for lack. Thankfulness attracts more into your life to be thankful for.

Forgiveness is a key to unlocking the shackles that keep you in bondage. The clear and distinct understanding of forgiveness of others, and yourself, will give you the strength to move directed, controlled energy where you choose.

Giving is the first step to receiving. You give the soil a seed first, and the soil will yield a tree of fruit. That fruit is the abundance that you will receive.

Be aware of your environment. Listen to the words of the people around you, as well as the entertainment you choose. Be conscious of choosing positive influences and attracting that into your life instead of the negative.

Accept responsibility for everything that has happened to you in your life and move forward instead of looking backward on things you cannot change.

Feed the senses of the soul first. Body is temporary and soul is eternal.

Fully understand and use these concepts and the law of attraction will work in your favor at rapid speeds. YOU CAN have the life you choose and desire.

For more information on the course, please visit